Women and Heart Disease - Listen to Your Body
Are Middle Aged Men More Prone to Heart Disease?...post by irem bright
Heart Disease
Such is the case with my wife Jane. Some years ago, she was involved in a head on collision with a truck, caused by a hit-and-run driver, and spent months in hospital. Since then, her regular healthy hobbies, such as windsurfing, jogging, and long walks in the countryside have become a thing of the past. Finding it difficult to get involved in any exercise involving much use of her legs, and with osteoporosis brought about by the trauma of the accident, her weight increased, her diet changed, and she was forever having to pop pain-killers and other hormonal drugs.
So the inevitable happened. On a routine trip to her opticians, they noticed signs of high blood pressure, so off she had to go to the doctors, who, sure enough, diagnosed high blood pressure, and so put her on blood pressure pills.
In ten years then, she had gone from a drug-free environment, fit as a flea, to becoming a bit overweight, stymied in the exercises she could do, taking a number of hormone replacement drubs, and now had to take pills for high blood pressure... and in the mean time, she was facing a number of high stress situations in her everyday life due to a massive property scam she and I were fighting.
It was about then that we decide to take stock of our lives, and to make sure we prepared our bodies to be in the best state possible - after all, we both had many issues that were bringing about great stresses, which we knew, were totally bad for the health of our hearts. And the worst part was, Jane in particular, was propping up her body using conventional medicines.
OK, the first thing to realise is that a thin person in poor shape is a lot more susceptible to a more substantial person in good shape. (I am not saying my wife is fat by the way!) The second thing was to realise that, as people who have watched 'The Secret' will vouch for, is that the mind can have a great influencing effect on the health of the body, even making some conventional medicines redundant.
So we looked for ways in which Jane could get more exercise on a regular basis, which exercised her legs in a non-weight bearing manner. The personal trainers at our local Harpers gym were very good in that respect and the amount of swimming Jane did had a great effect on her overall fitness, but the biggest change came about by her determination ( use the Mind) to get off the conventional medicines, and get into more natural health remedies. Bearing in mind, exercise counts more toward a naturally healthy heart than diet (within reason), and that as well as contemplating 40 minute workouts on the gym 4 or 5 times a week, even doing the hoovering (Yes, I am a house husband), or having at least one or two sort brisk walk a day can be even more beneficial than your gym work.
The second attack was by looking at natural remedies from diets and natural health supplements, and we embarked in a regime of natural fruits and berries that actually helped to combat arthritis and high blood pressure. We will be discussing the success we have achieved in this manner in another article to be published shortly.
Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plans – What Are The Key Ingredients? irem bright
Easy Steps To Healthy Weight Loss..By Irem Bright
The human metabolism is to slow to be eating three big meals a day. In a perfect world six small meals a day is much healthier. Eating six meals a day will keep your metabolism active and also help keep your insulin levels stable.
PROTEIN!!! Protein supports, builds, and rebuilds muscle. The more muscle you have the faster your metabolism will be. (It takes fifty calories a day just to support one pound of muscle!). Lean meat, fish, and poultry are all very good sources of protein. Also it is important to spread your protein intake evenly throughout your day. By doing this you will enable your body to rebuild muscle all day long.
Controlling food portions. Low energy-density foods such as vegetables and fruits are less likely to be overeaten. Also they're full of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which are critical to a healthy metabolism.
Don't cut any one food group. You should be consuming carbohydrates, protein, and fat at every meal.
Watch out drinks such as soda and fruit juices. They have tons of calories which can add up quickly. Plus they aren't even that
WATER!!! And lots of it! Water helps you stay hydrated which will allow for more intense activity. It also helps your body flush metabolic waste.
Eat your complex grains early in the day and then stick with the water rich carbohydrates such as fruit in the evening. This has to do with the way insulin is secreted into the bloodstream.
Sleep! 7-8 hours a night, More or less than that can have negative effects on your health.
Eat your meals slower; well chewed food is easier on your metabolism.
Eat some fish. Fish such as salmon is rich in Omega-3s, these Fatty Acids are essential. They'll keep your heart healthy, as well as the bad fat out. Fatty fish such as salmon, halibut and shellfish help reduce the size of fat cells which in turn helps out with fat loss.
Avoid hydrogenated fats (Trans fat), and High Fructose Corn Syrup. They send signals to the brain telling you that you are not full even when you've already eaten. Ever wonder why it's hard to drink 3 big glasses of water, but easy to down a 2 liter bottle of soda. It's the Syrup.
Exercise as frequent as recommended by your doctor, and keep honoring your medicla check up schedule as oultined by your doctor.
Fitness and Lifestyle After 30 with Diet, Exercise and Working pattern..By Vijay Varde, Irem Bright
Let's change our lifestyle and achieve fitness by modifying our diet,exercise and working pattern.
As a Pathologist practicing in Mumbai,I am required to examine blood samples of various patients.During the last eight years of my clinical practice,there has been a definite increase in the number of new patients with diabetes,blood pressure,high cholesterol,obesity etc.It is all the more disturbing to know that these patients are in the age group of 30 to 40.On an average a person usually starts his career around the age of 25 years.
During the next 10 years of his/her career, he/she is subjected to high mental stress, long working hours,lack of physical exercise & wrong diet.As a result, by the age of 40 he/she is diagnosed with high blood pressure,diabetes or heart trouble and is advised a change in lifestyle;so why not start this change early at the age of 30 & prevent the damage.
The change in lifestyle should touch 3 main areas viz.Diet,Exercise and working pattern.
Meal timings: NO matter how busy we are, Let us keep the timings of our meals fixed.The ideal timings would be -- 7-8 am Breakfast,11 am snacks, 1-2 pm lunch, 4-5 pm snacks and 8-9 pm dinner.
Diet contents: Each meal should consist of complex carbohydrates (oats, whole wheat,brown bread,brown rice) Proteins(lean meat,fish,pulses,mushroom,Soya) Fruits & Vegetables.
Method of cooking: Let's prefer boiling,roasting,shallow frying to prepare our meals so that minimum oil is required.
Break the diet Pattern: Let's stick to this plan for 5-6 days a week.But it is also important to break the diet pattern & take some liberty on weekends so that we can come back strong next week.
Working pattern
Early career: In the early part of career,one tends to overwork in pursuit of his goals.However it is important to have realistic goals.After achieving the goals,one should also learn to enjoy the success.
Mid career: It is okay to set higher goals but this expansion should be slow and not tiring for the individual.
Late career: As one moves up the ladder,he should be able to believe his subordinates & deputize his duties to them, instead of trying to do everything himself.This way he can cut down his own working hours or at least regularize his working pattern.
At the end of the day one should hit the bed early (instead of watching television) because therein lies the beginning of a new day.
If one retires early, it is not at all difficult to get up one hour earlier than one is used to. Exercise should be as compulsory to everyone as is brushing the teeth or shaving or taking a bath! The daily exercise should include warm up, cardio exercises,muscle training & breathing exercises.
Warm up: The aim is to loosen all the joints;so perform rotation movements of neck,shoulders,wrist,waist etc.
Cardio exercises: One can learn different cardio exercises viz.skipping,spot jogging ,brisk walking,cycling,tread mill,aerobics etc.These exercises can be done alternatively so as to have more fun.
Muscle training: Free hand exercises & Dumbells can be used to target specific muscle groups. Upper body - Shoulders, arms, forearms Lower body - Thighs (front,back & sides), Calves. Abdominal and Back muscles
Breathing exercises: These can help to cool down and reduce the mental stress.They can be learned from yoga (viz.Anulom-vilom,Kapalbhati,Shavasana etc.
So Let's start to change our lifestyles on the three fronts of diet, work and exercise.
If we didn’t get eight hours of sleep at night, it wasn’t evident (at least not right away). If we ate or drank too much for a whole week, perhaps we added a pound or two, but not much more. And when decided to go on a diet, the pounds seemed to melt away. So I ask you, what the heck happened? At 40+, it seems that anything we do that is not appropriate to our age category takes an immediate toll. I’ve always had a weight issue -- I would eat, gain weight, diet, lose weight, and then repeat the cycle -- only now it seems worse than ever. I don’t think there’s a diet I haven’t heard of, tried or attempted.
Ironically, I’ve found that they all work as long as you count your calories. Take in fewer calories than you burn each day and you will loose weight. The challenge, of course, is keeping the weight off. Had I found the answer to that age-old problem I would have been the most celebrated woman on the planet. Let’s face it ladies, we live in a society that preaches that size 0 models are the most beautiful creatures on earth. We hear it, we live it, and worst of all, we teach it to our children. I remember preaching to my daughters to stop eating too much so they will not have my thighs, arms, or derriere.
Find What Works for You I have finally accepted the fact that as we age, we need to take care of our bodies in a more attentive way. Like it or not, every extra piece of bread we put in our mouths will end on our thighs, arms or somewhere in between. However, that doesn’t make it any easier to say no to that freshly buttered croissant and dive into a plate of raw carrots and broccoli instead. Recently, I came to the conclusion that although there are many ways to eat healthier and take better care of ourselves, the secret is finding out what works best for each individual. After trying countless diets and eating plans, I have discovered that Weight Watchers works best for me.
All I need to do is to make it a daily routine. For me, that means going to their meetings, having a workout buddy, and being held accountable for everything that goes into my mouth. What prompted this sudden revelation? Every year I gain 10 pounds during the holiday season, and every year I have to deal with the extra weight after the holidays.
This year, however, I managed to gain 10 pounds before the holidays even began, and it was downhill from there. Given that the pounds no longer come off as easily as they used to, the time had come to figure out what I need to do in order to stay healthy and vibrant for myself and my loved ones. Not long ago I scolded my dad to stop smoking and start taking care of himself. When he didn’t immediately oblige, I called him selfish. I laid on the “Jewish guilt” hard and thick because, after all, if he gets sick we children have to take care of him. If he chooses to get sick by being careless, that’s selfish and unfair.
So -- I am publicly announcing that from today forward I will be very conscious of what I eat and how much I exercise. If I don’t take care of myself now, my kids will have to take care of me, which I do not find appealing. I want to be a “cool” grandma, not an old and sick one. For this to happen, I need to have a plan and stick to it. If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’re probably cringing just about now.
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Those who fail to take the time to be healthy will ultimately have to take the time to be sick." ~ Dr. James Chappell
So you want to enjoy a long, healthy, happy life or should I say, you want to be the “exception to the rule.” You should know from the start that the “odds” are stacked against you, but by accepting and tackling the challenge you will find it very worthwhile and rewarding, not to mention adding many years of happiness onto your lifespan. Talking of “lifespan”, lets pause for a moment and think about that.
Its key to differentiate between living a “long life” (lifespan) and living a “long HEALTHY life” (healthspan), which then can translate into the ideal situation where you can enjoy a “LONG, HEALTHY, HAPPY LIFE”. I know of many people, young and old who just exist from day to day with aches and pains, disease and suffering and with many bedridden for a number of years before they die prematurely from one of the modern lifestyle diseases like cancer or heart disease. One can hardly call that “living” or having had a great life.
Most people look forward to retiring after a long period of working and bringing up a family, with a vision of being able to relax, travel and enjoy a long, happy, healthy life with one’s family. The reality, unfortunately is very different for most people. This dream unfortunately, invariably has a perverse ending in this day and age. Virtually every one of us living a modern lifestyle will be diagnosed with a fatal chronic disease in our lifetime.
Most of us will land up having long term expensive drug treatment, causing misery, pain and suffering and eventually death without dignity. At least half of us will be diagnosed with cancer and will be treated by conventional medicine, resulting in a slow painful death after undergoing expensive poisonous chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Those of us lucky enough to escape cancer will most probably succumb to heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s or some other chronic degenerative lifestyle disease. Supercentenarians However there are people, who in their early years, were never exposed to the current modern lifestyles, toxic pollution, fast foods, processed foods and pharmaceutical drugs, who have proved that you can “LIVE” a long, healthy and happy life.
The Gerontology Research web site (http://www.grg.org) have a validated worldwide list of living “Supercentenarians”. ( people who are 110 years old or older).
There are currently 69 women and 8 men on this list with 25 in the US, 24 in Japan, 26 from other countries and only 2 living in the UK. So from this you can get a true understanding of “longevity”, but the million dollar question is why do these people live so long ? Its all about “how we live” and “what we eat” which all boils down to “LIFESTYLE”. Take Control of Your Lifestyle and Your Healthcare The key challenge is to want to do this for yourself and your family.
The starting point is to take control of your lifestyle and your healthcare by becoming aware and informed and then to take the appropriate actions. Its hard to accept, but actually NOBODY out there is interested in you and your families healthcare or whether you live a “long, healthy and happy life” or not. As a matter of fact you will be very surprised to know that there is a whole industry that want just the opposite. I hear you say “But what about my GP, Gynie, Paede, Oncologist, Cardiologist, etc?, surely they are interested ?” They should be, but remember each of these people make a living from the “Disease Business” astutely managed and controlled by the Pharmaceutical Industry.
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An Arabian proverb says, he who has health has hope and he who has hope has it all. Contrary to the belief of many, living a healthy lifestyle is not complicated or time consuming. Living healthy life will reduce worries as well as money spent on health care insurance, health care lawyers, treating disorders like obesity, mesothelioma, diabetes, and hypertension. Living a healthy life starts with having free access to healthy quality health information, as being offered you here:
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Do not use your hands.
Hold; then using your abs, lower yourself flat.
This exercise strengthens the core. This is a daily health tip which you can practice as you make your morning cup of coffee or tea.
Stand sideways.
Put one hand on your kitchen counter.
Lift the outside leg straight out in front of you, keeping it extended.
With your upper body straight, hold for a few seconds and move it to the side.
Hold and extend it behind you.
Repeat 5 to 10 times with each legs.
This exercise tones up your outer thighs, hip flexors and quadriceps.
Use slim milk for your coffee and tea preparation.
Opt for whole grain preparations and cereals rather than instant food.
Have a protein heavy meal earlier in the day as you may eat less as the day progresses. Hard boiled egg is a good choice as it makes you feel full and you will not feel tempted to snack before lunch.
Every time you apply brake while driving, squeeze your derriere, holding it for 10 seconds. You will develop buns of steel.
Snack smart by grabbing an apple. It is packed with fiber and water. So the stomach will feel full and save you a few calories which you would otherwise gain by snacking on cookies.
Whenever you converse over the phone, stand up and pace around. Walk up to a colleague who is seated farthest from you and deliver the daily messages. Take the stairs whenever possible.
Carry some weight when you go on grocery shopping or running errands.
Sit in your chair with your back straight and your feet on the floor, squeeze knees together and gently bring them toward your chest. Do it a couple of times. It will strengthen your abdominals.
Start with a clear soup for lunch or dinner. You fill feel fuller and subsequently eat less. After dinner, while still sitting at the table, extend your leg out; slowly bend it up and down. Squeeze and hold in the up position for at least 5 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. It sculpts the quadriceps.
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It is a royal and highly esteemed dream of everybody living to be healthy, beautiful, fit, and spend lesser on pressing health issues like health insurance, personal injury lawyer, and medifast weight loss scheme. Especially when carefulness is being taken into consideration, one then, spends almost nothing on accident injury lawyer and accident victim claims. On careful look at our social life, issues like cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery becomes of importance, which we need to seek medical advice from qualified medical personnel.
The first fitness health tip is to believe that we are what we eat. Eat healthy and one will be healthy and beautiful. Healthy eating means eating three regular balanced meals-breakfasts, lunch and dinner daily and making sure that each meal is a combination of carbohydrate and protein foods. Meals should include cereals, pulses, milk or curd, eggs, chicken, fish, fruits and vegetables. There is a fitness health tip which may come as a pleasant surprise and that is- Adding sugar is not a crime. Three to four teaspoon of sugar a day is permitted if one is not diabetic.
Finally, the whole secret of fitness and weight control rests on how much oil is consumed daily and how much fatty foods are eaten in a day. The normal requirement is 2-3 or 3-4 teaspoons oil per person per day. One may indulge in richer food twice in a week. Another fitness health tip is that the major reason for an overweight and unhealthy body is a change in lifestyle.
Today we don't walk anywhere, and hop into and out of cars. We also spend a lot of time sitting in front of television and computer. This is one reason why people in their 20's and 30's suffer from hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes. Everybody from six years and above must ensure that a regular exercise session is fixed in the daily routine. A 20-30 minutes walk must be taught and practiced as regularly as brushing the teeth and bathing.
It is also important to avoid too many soft drinks and packed juices which most of us prefer and stock in our refrigerator. It not only increases our body weight but also harms our teeth and skin. Rather we should resolve to drink plenty of water. In continuation of healthy tips discussion… you can see, there is no shorter cut to achieving healthy, beautiful and fit body. It is highly important to keep a watch on what we eat. Keep the diet well balanced, regular and complete with salad and fruits. Make sure that one is active throughout the day and follow a regular fitness program that is in harmony with the person’s age, body and health.
Following these tips, you see how less you will spend on health issues such as health insurance, personal injury lawyer, medifast weight loss scheme, accident injury lawyer settlement, accident victim claims, plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.
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